
September 2024


Not too much new news other than one big announcement, one big congratulations, and an upcoming memorial event!

Electronic Gate Finally Happening
Thanks to some great design and pricing work by Jim McBurnett, the Board accepted his proposal for implementing an electronic gate and work is already well underway.  The target is to have the gate functional by mid October.  Entrance will be by a coded key card for each member and details for how this will be implemented are being worked out.  A lot more information will be coming.

You may see gate workers on the road from 10-3pm tomorrow (Tuesday).

Beagle's Big Win
Many of you may remember Mary Beth Parris, aka "Beagle", one of our long time members of Clay Busters.  "Beagle" shot a 100 straight at the 2024 State Skeet Championships at Fort Liberty Clay Target Center (pre woke Fort Bragg) to win the N.C. State 20ga title and have her engraved name plate attached to the championship trophy with former State Champions. Quite an accomplishment in the presence of many World Championship shooters.  Congratulations to Mary Beth!

Memorial Shoot Honoring Paul Hammer
Dominic Mastroserio is organizing a trap and skeet shoot on Saturday, October 12 from 9am-2pm.  It will be an informal event on one trap field and one skeet field since Paul shot both.  Come on out and shoot with some buddies and reminisce about Paul.

Old Newsletters
If you ever miss a newsletter or want to look up an old one, we post each of them on the website under News.


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August 2024


Here is the news for August.

4-H Event

We had a successful 4-H competition again this year.  All of the volunteers did a good job.  Two dogs--not allowed on property for safety reasons-- were noticed and the owners complied with taking them back to their vehicles.

In Memoriam

Sam Summey's son Cliff, also a PCGC member, passed away on July 22 following a long battle with cancer.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to Sam.  This also was apparently the same day Paul Hammer passed away.

Memorial Recognition

A couple members have proposed several actions to recognize those members we have lost.  The first idea is creation of a plaque--design TBD--to hang in the club house listing the names of members who have passed away.  The Board approved and the process is underway.  Dominic Mastruserio is planning a memorial skeet shoot for Paul Hammer.  Information to follow when a date has been determned.  It has also been proposed to plant a new tree on the grounds in honor of each person lost.  This idea is still being considered.

50 yard range

This is almost complete, except for the range cover, awaiting mounting of the table tops.  Rod Combs has agreed to construct four shooting benches.

Filling the Skeet and Trap Machines

Several regular skeet/trap shooters have noticed the machines are almost empty when started up on some days.  Everyone shooting on these ranges is reminded that there is a responsibility to fill up the machines when finished shooting.  This goes along with the privilege of having a key to the houses.  Please be considerate of shooters following you and refill the machines completely when you are finished.

No Parking on the Rifle Range Grass

The Board requests that no one park on any of the grass at the rifle range, including backing up the hill to get closer to the shooting platforms.  It is difficult enough to maintain a grass lawn without the extra pressure.  Only vehicles permitted on the grass are the golf carts and those other vehicles doing maintenance or support for an event.

Watch Your Guns

It was reported during the 4-H event that several guns were spotted unattended for significant periods.  Please be careful about this as no one wants to lose one nor have it picked up by someone unqualified.



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July 2024

Good morning,

The Board elected Sid Landers to fill the remainder of Ron Wilson's term ending in May 2025.

Due to family issues, Steve Bengston had to resign his brief effort to continue .22 Benchrest but Bobby Robinson has agreed to lead it at least through the end of the year.  Matches will move to the 4th Sunday starting about 1230pm on August 25, September 22, and October 27.  Contact Bobby at 828-817-3123 with any questions.  We are still looking for someone to lead the center fire part of the matches.

Steve Summey reported that several of the (green) targets (the circles) have been pulled off/separated from the banks of these targets.  We're not sure whether this is deliberate or accidental but we request that everyone take care not to damage them any further and to ensure supervision of any youth that might be on the range.  If you observe damage, please report it to the Board.

This annual competition will take place Saturday, April 10 and all ranges will also be closed Friday, August 9 while they set up and on Saturday the 10th.

The Board is seeking to put together a list of ideas for club improvements, no matter how big or small.  We have no limit on the time frame for completion either.  Examples would be paving the road, installing a gate, a new rifle range building, etc.  Please send any ideas back to me or tell any Board member.  What would YOU like to see done to improve the Club for the next 10 years?

The shooting table supports have been built thanks to Dexter Estes and we're waiting to place the table tops soon.  The range is open.  Bring your own cardboard for backer boards.  The next improvement will be a roof similar to that on the other rifle ranges.  A special flag system is being designed to inform all four ranges at the same time when all go cold.

The effort to progress a cloud-based system to record gate entries has been halted due to the inability to get enough Internet speed to the gate location.  Numerous options have been considered without success.  However, Jim McBurnett, who is an IT expert, is investigating a simpler option that would record and store data on a controller at the gate and could be accessed via a laptop plugged in at that location.  More manual but it would get the job done.  Details will be provided hopefully in time for the August meeting.



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June 2024

Hi Everybody,

Several big announcements this month:


Ron Wilson, after many many years of great service to the Club, has decided to resign from the Board for health reasons, effective immediately.  Nothing significantly wrong but Ron just wants to spend more time with his wife and not worry about Club stuff.  He says he'll still be around so tell him thanks for all his service when you see him!

The Board will now look for a person to fill the opening to serve out the remainder of Ron's term until next May.  We have several candidates already.


An observation at one of the ranges recently caused a board discussion about firearms that are set up to fire like automatic weapons which are, of course, already banned from Club grounds.  Here is the new rule that the Board approved on Tuesday night and is putting in place EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY.  We're sorry for any inconvenience but as always our chief concern is club and range safety everywhere.

The use of pyrotechnics, tracer bullets, tracer shotshells, fully automatic firearms, devices that simulate automatic fire such as binary triggers, bump stocks, and forced resets., 50 Caliber BMG center fire, grenade launching devices and cannons are forbidden on any part of the range.

We have borrowed this language from another club after learning that most have some sort of language like this in their rules.  This will now become part of our RSO training and rules.


On the third Wednesday of June, July, and August, Tom Brooks will lead an abbreviated (one stage) ASI event from 4-6pm on the 25 yard range. FIRST ONE IS JUNE 19.  No scores, no fees (donations welcome.)  Approximately 12-15 rounds.  More details on the website for those dates.


Charlie recently wanted to pass on this new bit of information:

On our Wolfe background check site is a notice about a change in California.  CA has amended their rules about background checks eliminating birthdays and addresses as one of the elements.  According to Wolfe, these are two of the most critical bits of info needed to correlate the searched person and the SSN data.  This has now extended the time a background check can be completed.  Any PCGC applicant that has a CA address listed in former addresses, may face an extended time before the check is 100% complete.  I have not run across this issue yet, perhaps Wolfe gives a preliminary report, but then cautions that CA has not responded yet. Any PCGC with CA history may have to be admitted on a conditional basis based on the final report that includes CA..


We're signing up for another year of Dunham discounts.  As usual, everyone gets an everyday 10% discount with your card (available in the club house) and a 20% discount on the following four weekends:

August 9-11 2024
November 8-10, 2024
February 7-9, 2025
May 9-11, 2025


This tidbit is from Dan Henk:   "Another rimfire "catch" from our friends at Watauga Gun Club.  My only reservation is this:  the test was conducted with one rifle.  Although that rifle is likely to be as good as it gets for rimfire accuracy, it has a particular throat/chamber.  Another rifle of equivalent quality might have a somewhat different match throat/chamber.  I suspect the accuracy ranking would be at least somewhat different.  The benefit of this article is that it does give some insight into ammo quality."


"In the last 4 weeks, my new barrel has shot amazingly and all load development was done at Polk County.  a) East Coast fullbore championships 800/900/1000 1st place. Highlights were a 449.24x on first day. A 150.14x at 800 and an agg 450.30x on the 2nd day. Dropped 1 point for the weekend.  b) NSSC long range 1000yd regional Gold medal. 992.45x for 5 matches. Very challenging and tricky weekend with 270 degree wind switches on Sunday. I will be taking this barrel to the F class nationals at Lodi in August. Thanks again for what Polk County GC and especially Dan Henk does for the shooting sports/F class. "
CHECK IN 1200 - 1230 PM -----  $15 ENTRY FEE
"COWBOY LOAD" LOW VELOCITY (400 - 1000 fps PISTOL; 400-1200 fps RIFLE
        2600 SC-11, Travelers Rest, SC 29690
CONTACT: JOE WASCAVAGE, aka "LazyEye"; 301-904-7648, [email protected]


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May 2024


The three existing Board members were re-elected for another three year term:  Charlie Liberto, Terry Lynch, and Bobby Robinson.  In an executive session after the annual meeting was adjourned, the Board voted to keep everyone in their current officer positions:
President---Beryl Mollette
Vice President--Doyle Estes
Treasurer--Al Boehm
Secretary--Terry Lynch
Membership--Charlie Liberto
Exec Officer--Bobby Robinson

The Board wishes to thank Bill High and Alton Kelley for putting their names on the ballot and be willing to serve as Board members, if elected.  Perhaps they will become part of the Board at a future time.


We have set up a WORK DAY for this coming WEDNESDAY from 8am til noon to make progress on the 50 yard range.  We hope to place the target stands in the ground and use cinder blocks to build the four shooting stands.  We have concrete table tops already to place.  If you are free Wed morning, please come out and help.  If someone has masonry skills to place and glue cinder blocks, we especially need you to come out and help with that.


I mentioned in a previous email that Shelley Gudger has resigned this leadership position after 7 years!  She did an outstanding job and we thank her.  Now, Steve Bengston has stepped up to run the rimfire portion of Bench Rest going forward.  The inaugural match under his guidance will be Saturday, July 13th at 2pm.  Note the day change.  Going forward matches will be the second Saturday at 2pm in March, April, May, September, October, and November. Stay tuned for further details.   We are still seeking someone to run the center fire portion of Bench Rest.  Reach out to Steve or a Board member to volunteer.


Alton Kelley has been the STAR for the club on both these activities.  He has volunteered to be our vending manager and has discarded all old merchandise from all 3 machines and restocked with fresh inventory.  He also got the repair guy in and fixed two of them.  Then, we discovered we were almost out of shot cards and Alton, with his printing background, got 5,000 new cards printed within a week with minimal cost to the club.  This is a great service and a big cost savings.  If you bump into Alton, make sure you say thanks on both counts.  This is what we count on our volunteers to do to help the club.  (I try to catch folks who do good volunteer work and publicize it but I don't get everyone.  Let me know who's doing good stuff.)


Charlie reported at the Annual portion of the meeting that we are at exactly 300 members.  In executive session, the Board agreed that we will allow the total membership to float between 300 and 325 so that the numerous applicants in line can join, once approved.


Charlie also reported on the survey in the annual membership letter.  He got 232 responses which is awesome.  On Q1, exactly half said they used the pistol range and half said no.  On Q2, 58% agreed with allowing shooters to sight in ("get on the paper") with any rifle on the 25 yard pistol range.  On Q3, 75% agreed further rifle usage should move to the longer ranges.    On Q4, 84% agreed folks could continue to use rifles with pistol calibers on the range.  The Board approved all this by consensus.  Good survey, Charlie, and thanks to everyone who responded.


Dave Foti, Jeannette Burrell, Devon Cole, and Jim McBurnett are getting new first aid kits and new EAP signs posted on all the ranges.  Please note their location and take a moment to read the instructions.  It can be crucial if we have an incident.  These complement the AED defibrillator device recently purchased and installed in the Club house.


Don't forget to check the classifieds occasionally.  Recently we've had a few more things posted.


Thanks to everyone who is filling these out but PLEASE help me out by punching holes in them and inserting them in the notebook by guest last name.  No one seems to be doing this.  This really helps if we have to find someone.

Please send me any comments or questions.


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April 2024

Lots of information this month:


The monthly May meeting and the Annual Meeting are being combined on Thursday, May 16 at 7pm.  Voting for the three Board openings will be available from 3pm until 7pm.  All voting must be in person at the Club.  As required by the By Laws, we have five candidates in alphabetical order for the three openings for a three year term:  Bill High, Alton Kelley, Charlie Liberto, Terry Lynch, and Bobby Robinson.   You have to have been a club member for three years in order to be eligible to vote.


Shelley Gudger sadly announced her resignation last night as leader for Bench Rest matches.  Shelley's been leading Bench Rest since 2018!  She's done an outstanding job managing this discipline for the Club, turning in well over $7,000 in profits since she began.  Everyone thanked her and we wish her well going forward.  So, we now need a new Bench Rest leader.  If you want to take this on, Shelley is more than willing to help with the transition.  Let me or Shelley know if you'll do it and I'll get you in touch with the Board and Shelley.


As of last night, there were 103 of you who haven't renewed yet!  If you're waiting, please do it now so Charlie doesn't have to chase you.  If you are an existing member, we won't drop you until we verify contact (because some letters do get lost) but 100+ is a lot to check up on.  If you never got a renewal letter or lost it, send your correct mailing address to Charlie at [email protected].


Charlie reported on prelim results from his poll on the registration letter.  Half of the respondents said they used the pistol (25 yard) range.  76% approved using the 25 yard range for sighting in rifles but the same 76% said 'no' to using rifles on this range for any other purposes.  However, 85% agreed we should allow rifle use there for pistol calibers which is the way we've currently been handling the range.  We'll get more clarity when the 50 yard range is completed.


The concrete pad has been poured.  Bobby reports he hopes to place the target stands this weekend.  After that, the shooting tables will be placed.  We're going to get some gravel placed around the concrete too..  Then we can open the range.


All of you candy addicts will be happy to hear that Alton Kelley has volunteered to take over managing the three vending machines.  I'll meet with him today to hand over the keys and I'm sure he'll be refilling soon with fresh stock.  Say thank you if you see him.  He's also been doing a great job getting new signs printed around the ranges, the latest for First Aid and soon our new Emergency Action Plan.


This went very well this year and we received a $1500 check from the DNR.  $500 will be used to reimburse the school team for providing food to the DNR per our contract and then $500 each will go to Junior Rifle and Clay Busters.  Parking and prep again went smoothly with help from Sam Summey, Bill High, Bill Dennis, Kevin Brown, Rod Combs, Ken McFadden, Ron Dethloff,  I hope I didn't miss anyone.  Jason Ashley arranged to have over 30 GFL trash containers placed around the club and they were invaluable in managing all the trash.  Altogether, there were 34 teams this year and the usual ~350 vehicles and 750 or so people.  We dodged the heavy Friday rains again due to good sand drainage on all our fields.


Doyle finalized dates for four matches and they are listed on the website calendar:  May 31-June1, July 19-20, August 23-24, and Nov 9.  Doubles on May 28, July 16, August 20 and Nov 8.  Contact Chris Bates.


March 2024

Good Morning, Everyone.

Lots of stuff this month.

WNC Junior Hunter Competition THIS Weekend

This is a big event for us.  There will be 34 youth teams, the most ever, so we may have 1,000 people and up to 400 vehicles on site.  All ranges are closed Friday and Saturday.  We will be prepping the parking area on Friday morning starting at 9am.  I have one helper but could use a few more.  probably only for a couple hours.

Parking Saturday morning starts at 6am sharp.  I have a couple volunteers so far but need several more.  Trailers come in at 6 and everybody else starts in when the gates open at 630pm  Cars will line up on Little Mountain Rd but bypass them and come to the gate and the rangers will let you in if you tell them you are a club volunteer. We should have a yellow vest for you.   It is a VERY BUSY hour as most vehicles are parked by 730.  Our volunteer assistance is critical to keep things moving.  Bring a mag flashlight or spotlight.

AED/CPR Class Thank You!

Jeannette Burrell led the class on the Sat morning of work day.  She did an outstanding job and the club thanks her profusely.  Attendees thought it was great and she will be offering the class again.

Board Candidates Needed

Ed Skeels and Greg Fickel are seeking a few more nominations for the Board vote at the annual meeting on May 16.  Charlie Liberto, Bobby Robinson, and I are up for reelection and all three of us have agreed to run again but per the by laws there are supposed to be at least 5 candidates.  If you want to run, and we always need fresh blood, let Ed or Greg know.  The pay is great and the hours are short!

Vending Machine Volunteer Manager Needed

If you don't want to run for the Board, we need a vending machine manager.  We have three machines and it's important to keep tabs on the merchandise, refill as needed, and discard old products.  If you want to take over this important volunteer positionB, let someone on the Board know.

Bench Rest Match RSO's Needed on April 7

Shelley Gudger reported a great turnout for the first match of the year on March 3 but she needs 2-3 more RSO's for the April match.  Please volunteer to help her out   Details on the website including Shelley's contact email.

Hold Harmless Agreements Need to be Put in the Notebook

Folks, you are doing a good job filling out the HH agreements but can you PLEASE punch holes in them and stick them in the notebook alphabetically by guest last name?  There are about 25 stacked up and I really don't want to do it myself.  Please help me out.  And while you're a guest on site, please wear one of the Visitor lanyards.

Membership Update

Charlie reported we have 320 members and new approvals are on hold until after all the renewals and cancellations are in by April 30.  If you need to reach out to Charlie for some reason, his email is on the Contacts page on the website.  Just go to him directly rather than through me.

Website Link:

Thanks to all on behalf of the Board for all the volunteering going on around the Club!



February 2024

Work day is March 2

The Spring work day is coming up in less than 2 weeks.  We'll start 8am for the early birds but get there when you can.  It's over when all the work is done.  Projects as of now are as follows.  Pick one or two and bring tools you think might be needed.

1. Pistol Range--Reset the distance markers from the firing line, re-position the railroad ties, fix other signs, straighten up target stands and materials in shed.

2. Well House--fix up as needed (Beryl Mollette)

3. 50 Yard Range--Build 4 target stands. May or may not put in ground at this time.

4. Inspect outer club fence line; remove downed trees.  (Bobby Robinson)

5. Spread crusher run on rifle range parking lot--Need someone to bring a tractor with a bucket to spread it.

The wads and broken clays on the skeet/trap ranges have already been cleaned up by an early bird crew last Wednesday.  They did a great job.

WNC Jr Hunter Competition (March 16)

We need a small set-up crew starting at 9am Friday.  4-5 guys.  Meet on the rifle range.  Should only take a couple hours.  Let me know if you want to help then.

We also need a parking crew starting at 545am on Saturday.  Meet at the entrance to the rifle range for a quick org meeting.  Trailers not arriving on Friday will be allowed in at 6am and the gates for cars/trucks will open at 630am.  Bring a strong flashlight or spotlight.  Let me know if you are coming for this.  Good if a couple folks can come both Friday and Saturday.  Helps with parking in the dark if you saw the layout in daylight.

The NC Rangers also always like to have a few folks help with RSO duties during the day.  Come on out if you want to help with this.

Active Target/Throom Vote Results

We got almost 50 votes from last month's survey question.  71% voted in favor of the club purchasing a few of the targets to try.  65% indicated they would like to shoot at them.  Thanks to ALL who took the time to cast a vote.  So, the Club is going to purchase three sets and likely make all of them available on the pistol range.  They'll be mounted on sawhorse type stands that can be moved to different distances on the pistol/25 yard range.

Asphalt and electronic gate update

We continue to gather estimates for both projects.  Laying  either asphalt or tar and chips on Jack's Way from Little Mountain Rd back to the Club House will be in the $32,000-35,000 range depending on supplier.  The estimates were all actually pretty close and all suppliers are considered good.  We're currently holding on going forward.

Dave Foti and I have obtained two electronic gate estimates so far and the scope on the two is quite different as is the price.  Next step is to compare the two and finalize what we really want.  We're going to involve some of the club folks who have looked at this before too.  We're going slow because it's not an easy proposition.  We do know that we can have REMC drop a power line to the gate for a few thousand dollars and Windstream can drop an Internet hard wire for a couple hundred dollars.    Stay tuned for more information on these topics.

The Board would be interested to hear your thoughts on which project to prioritize first, do neither, or do both, perhaps over a couple years.

50 Yard Range

The Board approved pouring of a concrete pad for this range.  Once this is done the shooting tables will be placed and the target stands (hopefully built on the work day) mounted.  A roof will follow this spring or summer.  We're going to spread some seed, fertilizer, and straw this week.  Hope we get rain.

Bench Rest Matches

Shelley reports these matches are getting popular and she could really use 2-3 more RSO's to come out and help!

Navy Arms Website

Charlie LIberto reports that he was checking all his firearm websites and Navy Arms is still active.  On this site, for anybody who likes the movie, 'The Last Samurai', here is a chance to own an original Mauser that was in the movie.  A bit pricey, but can be sent to you with no FFL due to their age.


January 2024


Hope you are finding time to shoot in between the rain and freezing weather.  Here's what's new and needed.

Reactive Targets--SURVEY QUESTION

One of our members is attempting to become a dealer for Throom and may be able to get these targets at significant discounts. Check them out at this website.

The Board feels these might be fun to use on some of the ranges and a perk of membership. The Club will pursue if there is sufficient interest among the members so please ANSWER the following two questions by replying to me: (a simple yes/no response is fine):
  • Should the Club purchase a selection of these targets for everyone's use on some of the ranges, most likely the shorter ones?
  • Do you think you yourself would use them?

Volunteer Opportunity

The Club recently purchased two truckloads of crusher run to fill in bare spots at the far end of the rifle range parking lot.  We NEED A VOLUNTEER to bring a tractor with a loader to spread it.  If you can do it, just come on down.  If you let me know, I'll push it out to the whole Club so we don't get duplicate effort.  Two loads of screenings were also delivered to the pistol range last week to fill in low spots and these have already been spread.

Hold Harmless Agreements (HHA)

With the new year, all guests must fill out a new 2024 HHA. Please fill in the guest name and sign, punch holes, and please please insert in the notebook by guest last name.   Also, all guests should wear one of the VISITOR lanyards instead of pinning on the name cards which we have discontinued.  Remember to return the VISITOR lanyards to the club house before leaving.

AED Now in the Club House; Training Planned at Work Day

The Club has purchased an AED device and it's mounted on the wall in the club house.  An AED, or automated external defibrillator, is used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. It's a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use, medical device that can analyze the heart's rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electrical shock, or defibrillation, to help the heart re-establish an effective rhythm.  Jeannette Burrell is going to offer some basic training at various times during the work day on March 2 so we will be looking for interest via signups.

Spring Work Day--March 2

Mark your calendars for the Work Day on March 2.  We will have a list of projects by then.  All ranges will be closed until work is completed.

WNC Junior Hunter Competition--March 16

This annual competition among school shooting teams will be March 16 at PCGC.  Friday, March 15 will be a prep day.  All ranges will be closed both days.  We will need a few volunteers on Friday to set up the parking area and then 7-8 volunteers starting about 6am Saturday to park the 350+ vehicles we get.  Let me know if you are able to help.

50 Yard Range--Progress Report

The berm and shooting pad are completed.  Bobby Robinson is getting prices to pour a concrete pad on which we will place 4 of the concrete shooting tables.  Then we'll build 4 target stands identical to the ones on the other ranges.  Later this year, we plan to install a cover similar to the other three ranges.  Until this range is completed, 50 yard shooting is permitted on the alley to the right hand side of the 25 yard (Pistol) range.  We had installed a target stand for the 50 yard shooters and someone took it down.  If you know about that, please let me or one of the Board know.  Removing it without authorization is a violation of Club property.


  • The NRA Regional Annual Meeting in Asheville is Feb 9 and the Club has purchased a table for the Clay Busters.  If you would like to attend with them or make a donation, all the details are on the website.
  • Don't forget to check out the Classified Ads on the website occasionally,  There was a bunch of stuff just added.  If your item has been up for a long time, please either tell me to take it down or do something different like change the price.
  • The Annual 4-H competition will be August 9-10.  More on this later.
  • Ed Skeels and Greg Ficklin are looking for people who want to run for the three Board openings.  Contact one of them if you are interested in this three year position.  The elections are at the annual meeting in May and we need at least 5 people to run.

December 2023

Happy New Year, Everyone!  It's been a while since the last newsletter but I, like I hope most of you, had a busy holiday season and I'm trying to catch up.  Here is the latest news.

ASI Match Cancellation This Saturday

The ASI (Action Shooter) pistol match for THIS Saturday is cancelled due to weather.  Saturday is not looking good.

New 2024 Hold Harmless Agreements Needed for Guests

With the start of the new year, all guests (adults and minors) need to sign new HHA's for 2024, punch holes in the form, and put them in the notebook alphabetically by last name of the guest.  Guests only need to fill out a form once for the whole year.  Guests need to wear one of the VISITOR lanyards while on site.  Please return when leaving.

Junior Hunter Skills Tournament March 16 Calendar Announcement

Looking ahead to Spring, here's an advance notice of the NCWRC District 9 Youth Hunter Education Skills Tournament on Saturday, March 16, 2024.  Our Spring Workday will be the preceding Saturday, March 9.  Please mark your calendars.  All ranges will be closed those two days (and also Friday the 15th.)

On the Website

1. High Power Rifle announces their 2024 Schedule

2. Long Range Handgun match details for 2024 posted.

3. Final Buffalo Rim Fire tournament results from December 30.

Pistol Range

Operation of the 25 yard range seems to be going well.  We've heard lots of positives.  The target stands for pistol shooting (courtesy of Jason Ashley) are all painted and available for general use.  The vertical boards are missing so you may need to bring your own 1x2s or 1x3s.  As always, make sure targets on the pistol range stands are at eye level to ensure all rounds hit the berm, especially at distances 10 yards and under.  The large temporary target stand we put in the ground for the 50 yard alley on the right of the range has been taken down and we don't know why.  If anyone knows about that, please let me know.  We're going to try to reinstall it this weekend subject to weather.

50 Yard Rifle Range

The berm and range have been built for this and it looks great.  It is not usable yet.  The plan is to install four target stands, put in a concrete pad soon with four shooting tables and then a cover.  We intend to make it just like the 100/200/300 yard range.

Used Brass

Please pick up all brass from your shooting.  If you don't want it, please toss it in the available buckets.  DO NOT PUT LIVE ROUNDS IN THESE BUCKETS!  Put live rounds in the trash.  Used brass gets melted down and live rounds would not be a good thing.  Do NOT put non-brass cases in these buckets either.  The Club takes used brass to a metal recycler periodically and gets cash back.

Firearms for Freedom NRA Legacy Program

As we all grow older, are you wondering what will happen to your firearms when you are gone?  The NRA has a program called Firearms for Freedom.  Sam Summey brought this to our attention and it's posted under Our Club/Programs.  Link here:  The NRA offers many ways for your firearms to be passed on to the next generation.  Take a look at this if it might work for you.

Major Capital Projects

The Club is taking a serious look at 1) asphalting Jack's Way from the main road back to the Clubhouse and 2) (again) considering an electronic gate of some sort.  We have two asphalt quotes both around $35,000.  We haven't got that far with the gate idea yet but we're working on it. Personally, I think an asphalt road entry would be a nice addition and reduce the need for maintenance of the gravel road that is constantly washing out.   If you have pro or con thoughts on either, please let the Board know via responses to me.

Monthly Meeting 

The next monthly meeting is Tuesday, January 9 next week.

2024 Board Nominations

It's still way early but Ed Skeels and Greg Ficklin are chairing the Nominations Committee for our elections in May.  Charlie, Bobby, and my terms are up.  Let Ed or Greg know if you are interested in a Board position.


October 2023


As mentioned a couple of weeks ago and repeated here, the modified pistol range with the pavilion moved up to the 25-yard line is now in operation.

Adjusted/Temporary Pistol Range Rules
Here's how the pistol range should operate until the new 50 yard berm is completed on the rifle range.  At that time, we may make the pistol range 25 yards only.   All 50 yard shooting would move to the rifle range.  This MAY change as we get experience but this is where we are headed.
1. Right now, the pavilion firing line is at 25 yards and there is a 50 yard firing line off to the right.  Two firing lines get complicated but we are trying to accommodate everyone temporarily.  
2. The 50 yard lane will be for anyone wanting to shoot pistols or rifles at that distance.  When a 50 yard shooter is present, that distance takes precedence and there will be NO SHOOTING from the pavilion or anywhere closer than 50 yards.  We ask during this temporary period 50 yard shooters don't take over the range for extended times and keep their shooting times brief.  Please cooperate!
3.  All other shooting will be from the pavilion firing line 25 yards from the berm.  Target stands, yours or the ones there now, may be placed at any distance from the pavilion.
4. Shooters must ensure their targets on the stands are at sufficient height (e.g. eye level) that rounds impact the berm and not the floor of the range. At shorter distances, this means targets have to be 3-4' or more above the ground.
6. There is a lot more available parking behind the pavilion.  When someone is shooting at 50 yards, don't park there.  If there are 25 yard shooters and their cars present, cars in front of the 50 yard line need to be moved before shooting starts from the 50 yard line.


Jason Ashley, one of our members, made a number of wooden pistol stands for anyone to use.  Photos attached.  Many thanks to Jason for a nice job!  They have different slots for the verticals so the width can be customized to your targets.  Use them at any distance but the taller verticals should be used at closer distances to help make sure your rounds impact the berm.  Please leave the stands at the range for all to use.



Reminder to use your discount cards available at the office for 10% off at Dunham's in Hendersonville anytime.  I've used it several times.  NOTE one of our FOUR 20% off weekends is coming up November 10-12.  Good time to pick up a Christmas present.


We've had a flurry of activity recently.  Remember to send me items you want to post and take a look at what's there.  If you've had something up for a while with no action, you might want to change the price.


Reminder that the leaders of our various disciplines regularly post match results under NEWS.  Check it out.  Also the 2024 calendar is updated with match dates that I've been given.


Sam Summey explained in a recent note how several of the high power rifle disciplines you see on our calendar link together.  It was helpful to me so I'm passing along the information.  (Sam, I rearranged and edited a little!)


There are two governing bodies, the NRA and the CMP (Civilian Marksmanship Program).  The latter was started by the US Government around the turn of the 20th Century. Both entities sanction matches in their name and have similar but separate sets of rules. Both have High Power Rifle Programs. (Both also sanction small bore and air rifle too.)
PCGC embraces both governing bodies (as High Power Rifle.)  We hold NRA Service Rifle Matches (6) in the summer and CMP GSM matches (4) in the winter.  As a rule the CMP League matches are more relaxed and instructive.  We started doing these matches to introduce new shooters/competitors to high power rifle competition. In February we hold the Frozen Chosin which adds another position (sitting) as a fun "club match".
The CMP winter "League" is still classified as High Power Rifle and includes the WW II Garand, WW I Springfield, and Modern Military rifles (M14, AR-15, FNFAL, and derivatives of the German G3) and thus adds the GSM acronym (Garand, Springfield, Modern Military).
The NRA F-class matches that PCGC holds are also an NRA High Power Rifle Program with a side program of small bore F-class.


Dan Henk passes on a very hearty congratulations to club member Greg Chapa for taking top honors as F-Open competitor at the NC State 1000 yd F-Class championship on 28 October at Burlington NC.  Kudos, Greg!   Says Dan:  "We've watched you practice faithfully and we're all proud of your win!"


September 2023

Hi Everybody,

Sorry for the long absence of a newsletter but I've missed the past two club meetings due to vacations, and then my computer died, so I'm just getting back in the swing.

Junior Rifle Brass Processing Machine

At the September meeting, Bobby highlighted the need for a new high power brass processing machine for the Junior Rifle team.  The current system is old and inefficient.  Cost is estimated at $3250.  Rather than club fund it directly, it was suggested that we first ask for donations from members to help pay for it.  We already received several hundred dollars in pledges at the meeting.  Please make a donation if you can.  Make checks out to PCGC and put them in an envelope marked Jr Rifle Brass Machine and stick it in the safe or give it to Bobby or another Board member.  For perspective, we have 300 members and if just 30 of us can give $100 each, we'd have it made.

US Representative Chuck Edwards May Attend October Meeting

Thanks to Caton McBride's invitation, Representative Edwards (NC-11) may attend the October regular meeting and address the group.  He apparently is an avid shooter and Caton has invited him to shoot with some of us.

Clay Pigeon Costs

The cost of the latest delivery of clays is coming in at about $20,000 later this month.  It's up from approximately $12,000 in recent years.  While we are not yet raising prices to shooters again, be aware of this rising cost and don't be surprised if cost/round of skeet or trap goes up at some point in the future.

Clay Pigeon Handling

We have noticed an increase in the amount of clay breakage in loading the machines.  With the number of new keys out there and maybe more and newer people loading, we need to be extra careful in handling and stacking clays into the machines.  Given the cost, (see above!) please be careful with loading clay targets into the machines.

4-H Donation

Following the 4-H event here in August, the 4-H folks took a collection and donated $372 to the Club.  We thank them!

Modified Pistol Range Proposal

There have long been complaints requiring pistol shooters to place all targets at the berm making folks shoot from the open field.  Also, rifle shooters on the 50 yard range have been damaging the metal fencing used for hanging targets at the berm.  So we are proposing a major change at the pistol range.

We will move the covered pavilion up to the 25 yard mark.  We will remove the wire fencing and clean up/square up the berm.  All shooting will now be from the pavilion using your own target stands at any distance you choose.  All target stands will need to be positioned to ensure rounds strike the berm and not the floor of the range.(We may provide standard ones at some point in the future.)  The range will now be PISTOLS ONLY.  NO RIFLES OF ANY CALIBER will be allowed on the pistol range now.  (We will make an exception only for .22 shooters at the Junior Hunter Event in March and the 4-H Event in August.)  To accommodate rifle shooters, we will construct two new 50 yard target stands in between the 100 and 200 yard ranges.  Shooting table 210 will have a clear line of sight to both the #10 target at 200 yards and the #1 target at 50 yards.  Table 101 will have a clear line of sight to both the #1 stand at 100 yards and the #2 stand at 50 yards.  (It is still possible we may move the 50 yard stands to the right of the 100 yard range and/or use fold-up, semi-permanent stands for them at the above location.)   A side benefit of moving the pavilion will be a lot more parking for pistol shooters behind the relocated pavilion.

The Board is in favor of these changes but we wanted to push it out to the membership for any additional questions or comments we may not have thought of.  We will probably confirm all this at the Oct 10 meeting and hopefully implement the changes at the Oct 14 Fall Work Day.  Please reply back to me or to any Board member.  I will forward anything that I receive to the Board at the meeting.

Long Range Handgun

The Sixgunner is the top national handgun hunting periodical.  Dan Henk recently submitted an article about our Long Range Handgun matches and it was included in their most recent issue.

The link to the magazine is HERE:

Sixgunner also offered a FREE subscription to the magazine HERE:

The number of long range pistol shooters has been decreasing a bit at our matches so if you're still interested, please make a point to come out and join in.  Only one match left this season on Tuesday, October 3 at 630pm.  If you just want to try it, Dan Henk might be able to set you up.


July 2023

Just a few updates following last week's meeting.


Every guest, shooting or not, is required to complete a Hold Harmless Agreement (HHA) once a year.  It must be signed by a Member.  The NEW procedure this year has been to insert the form alphabetically by the guest's last name in the notebook.  (Some were still putting the forms in the black mailbox which was on the floor but we've now put that away in the office.)  NEW THIS MONTH, instead of the little guest cards to wear, we are making up a bunch of VISITOR tags on lanyards for guests to wear around their necks.  We decided the cards were being used erratically and what was important was for everyone to know who the visitors were.  PLEASE GET YOUR GUEST TO WEAR A VISITOR LANYARD AND RETURN IT BEFORE LEAVING THE GROUNDS.


Don't forget about our classified ads on the website.  Ads submitted have been coming a little slow.  Purchases have also been slow.  And, if you have an ad there that hasn't generated any interest recently , it might be time to reduce the price and/or take down the ad for a while. LMK.


We continue to post results of each of the Club's matches on the website.  If you want to know who's been shooting well, check out the site.


Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 14.  We will have our semi-annual work day.  If you want a project done, let someone on the Board know.


Ron Wilson is leading a group to extend the safety fence between the skeet/trap fields and the other ranges.  Let him know if you can help.


The annual tournament is scheduled for August 11-12 and all ranges will be closed for this event.


As always, if your email or snail mail address or phone number changes, please let us know.


June 2023

Hi Everybody,

I was on vacation last week and missed the meeting so this newsletter is a little late this month.

Membership Check Deposits Problem

Al has had a problem making deposits.  Our bank is requiring special deposit slips and he had to order more.  Also, the bank is moving to electronic deposits which introduce another layer of complexity and delay.  Net, deposits are being made but slowly so just sit tight if your check hasn't cleared yet.  If you got your new gate code in the mail, your membership is ok.

Membership Update

At this time, the Club's membership quota has been reached and no further action on applications will be taken until there are vacancies.  Those currently on the wait list as of 6/13/23 will be allowed to complete the membership process and be voted on.  We will continue to take applications, and those applicants will be up for membership sequentially by the date they were received by the membership chairman when vacancies occur.  Our 2 meeting requirement is still in place and easy to meet, but it would be beneficial for any applicant to first, get to the club, participate in something, and make associations such that you will have two sponsors, one of which will request the application.  There are many hopefuls with the meeting requirement completed, but no application submitted.  So, preferred process: visit the club, get sponsors, submit application, attend meetings, wait for opening.

AED Unit

The Club is in the process of purchasing an AED (Automatic  External Defibrillator) unit which will be mounted in the Club House.  Once it is received and installed, we will have training on its use for any interested member.  One of our members, Jeanette Burrell, who has a Masters in Nursing and teaches CPR and other classes extensively in addition to her regular hospital job, has volunteered to conduct our training. More information on that will be forthcoming.

Dunham's Discount

The Club has applied for and received 10% discount cards from Dunham Sports.  Look for a separate email with details.

Email Updates

Just a reminder to let me know if you change email addresses (or any other personal data.)  I'll forward it to Charlie and keep you on the newsletter list.

Coffee Pot

Another reminder. If you use the coffee pot, when done, please make sure it's cleaned and left unplugged.


May 2023 and Annual Meeting

I will combine news from both meetings.


Despite light attendance, enough votes were cast "legally" and as expected Doyle Estes, Al Boehm, and Greg Ficklin were re-elected to the Board for a three-year term.  When officers were selected after the Annual Meeting, Doyle and Beryl nominated each other for President, and Beryl was selected as the new president.  Doyle will be VP, Al will remain as Treasurer, I will continue as Secretary, Charlie will continue as Membership Chair, and Bobby will continue as Executive Officer.  Note Charlie's email is posted under Contacts on the website if you have membership questions.  Go to him, not me!


A total of $1,000 was approved for lumber to extend the safety fencing alongside of Field #3.

An AED device has been ordered for approximately $1,000 and will be installed in the clubhouse.  We will probably arrange for training on its use for anyone interested.

Ten new Samsung tablets totaling about $1,000 were approved to facilitate electronic scoring on the rifle ranges.


Exactly 50 keys have been given out so far.  We still have a few more.  Contact me to arrange a meeting time if you want one.


At one point, we announced we were going to have logs in each skeet/trap house to log in opening and closing, but we have decided not to do that.  However, all shooters must continue to complete the sign-in books at each range.  We need to know who is shooting, especially the last person leaving.

Without the close-out logs in the houses now, everyone must remember that the LAST trap or skeet shooters of the day MUST follow the closing procedure (to be posted in each house) and make sure all machines are re-filled and houses are LOCKED.  A key is not needed to lock them. ONE IMPORTANT POINT:  When the last MEMBER is finished shooting, the houses must be closed/locked.  A non-member cannot continue to shoot withOUT a member present.


Bobby is working on this and by the time of this writing, I believe all the repairs/replacements have been completed.

Our ads page on the website continues to be popular.  Please remember to check it once in a while.

Repeating two points from last month:

Gate--If you are fortunate enough to open the main gate sometime, be sure to lock the lock back onto the chain after you swing open the gate and spin the dials to hide the code.  If you don't relock the lock, you can't spin the dials and the gate code will be exposed for all to see all day.  THE NEW COMBINATION IS IN PLACE.
If you are last out, make sure both doors are locked.  It's possible to flip a switch on the combo lock so it's turned off, and similarly, the other door automatically stays unlocked when opened from the inside.  Check both, please.


April 2023

Annual Meeting Notice

Charlie mailed the Annual Meeting notice with the new gate code on Tuesday, April 18.  Be on the lookout.  If your check hasn't cleared yet, be patient as Al deposits them in batches to avoid extra fees from the bank.  If you get your letter in the next few days, you are good.

Nominations for Board Positions

There were no volunteers for the Board except for the three going off--Doyle, Al, and Greg--to recommit for another three-year term.  If last minute you want to run, you'll have to have the Board consider it.

Clay Busters Leader Announced

Johnny Cantrell has agreed to take over leadership of Clay Busters.  Please congratulate him and help him out if he needs a hand.

Nora Ross Clinic Coming May 6-7

Details on the website  PCGC members can get first dibs by signing up now with Dave Foti.

WNC Junior Hunter Event Recap

We had 31 teams and parked 377 vehicles.  We're almost at capacity.  There were lots of people here and the event ran very smoothly and safely.

Women on Target

We're still seeking a person to lead this.  It would be a great service to the ladies of the community.  It requires a lot of effort but a well organized, manager-type individual would be able to manage it.  Contact the Board if you are interested or want to recommend someone.

ATF News

Sam Summey has reported a couple of very positive results on gun legislation by NC legislators.  Details are posted on the website.

Lawn Care

We started a lawn service this week and they mowed and weed eated everything on Wednesday morning except the rifle range which Ed did himself last week.  In my opinion, they did a GREAT JOB.  The service will generally be there on Wed morning and alternate between the rifle range or all the rest of the ranges each week until we get a pattern figured out..

Trap/Skeet Keys

We have "given out" 45 keys in exchange for a refundable security deposit.  Thirty-two old ones were turned in.  I have 5 more left from the second production run.  When they are gone, we will get some more made.  Contact me to meet sometime at the club to get a key.

We are dispensing with the opening/closing logs in the houses but NOTE THAT A KEY IS NOT NEEDED TO LOCK UP.  Therefore, anyone can close up the ranges but you must follow the shut down process--turn the machines off, refill the trays, etc-- and remember to lock the houses if you are the last shooter.

Gate Lock

Gate--If you are fortunate enough to open the main gate sometime, be sure to lock the lock back onto the chain after you swing open the gate and spin the dials to hide the code.  If you don't relock the lock, you can't spin the dials and the gate code will be exposed for all to see all day.

Club House Lock

If you are last out, make sure both doors are locked.  It's possible to flip a switch on the combo lock so it's turned off, and similarly, the other door automatically stays unlocked when opened from the inside.  Check both, please.

New Parking Area

A new parking area for 10-15 cars parked on an angle has been completed just behind Field #1.  This will also be convenient for the Pistol Range.  John Holbert did the work and also replaced the culvert between the fork and the Pistol Range.  Great job!

Dogs Still Prohibited

Once again, a reminder to all that no dogs are allowed on property for safety reasons, both for the dog's sake and for the humans' sake.  Most everybody has been good but there have been a few dogs here.  If you see one, do your RSO duty and ask them to leave with the dog.

Upcoming Events

F Class Match--April 22
Buffalo/Rim Fire--April 29
Long Range Handgun--May 2
ASI Pistol--May 6
Bench Rest--May 7

Turkey Season

Check out the attached photo taken just before the March meeting.  They knew the season wasn't open yet.


Hope you made it this far.


March 2023

Lots of important information this month.  Not everybody reads emails so please pass this stuff on by word of mouth.


The new locks will be placed and new keys will be exchanged with old ones on April 8 from 10am to Noon in the Club House.  This date/time will be for people with current keys only.  It's a tight window but we want to get it done quickly.  If you want the new key, make it a point to get there because the locks are being changed that day.  Bring your old key and a $50 deposit check which is refundable if/when you return the key.  People not having a current key and wanting one will be taken care of later after we see how many current holders claim new keys.  Not everybody reads these emails so spread this event by word-of-mouth to your friends with keys!


All ranges closed THIS Friday and Saturday.  Need a few volunteers for Friday setup (9am), Saturday parking (6am), and RSO support (9am-3pm).  There will be ~300 cars and ~700 people on site Saturday.


We continue to remind everyone that the club policy is NO dogs on property.  This is primarily for safety (human and animal) reasons.


This is another reminder that if you are the last one in the Club House on any given day, MAKE SURE BOTH DOORS ARE LOCKED.  We've had several instances where the combo lock door is locked but the other door is open.  For the latter, if you open it from the inside, it AUTOMATICALLY UNLOCKS from BOTH sides.  When you leave, you have to turn the button.  Check it!  The combo lock door needs to have the interior switch in the correct position to lock from the outside.  Check it too!  Please!


Recently, new signs were installed.  Please make every effort NOT to put bullet holes in them.  We know there is an occasional flyer but we have seen tightly grouped patterns on some of them suggesting people are unwilling to hang targets and use the number signs as targets.  THIS DESTRUCTION OF CLUB PROPERTY IS A VIOLATION OF CLUB RULES AND IF OBSERVED WILL BE PUNISHED BY TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP.  As RSO's, if you observe someone shooting on the rifle range without targets, we'll assume they are shooting at the signs so please find out the name of the person and pass it on to the Board immediately.


Every guest needs to complete a Hold Harmless Agreement before shooting but only once a year.  Forms are on the rack on the wall.  There is NOW an alphabetized notebook on the table to put the completed forms in by last name of the guest.  Don't stuff the mailbox; it's gone!


Since it's the newest discipline in the Club, we'll give this a bit more of a plug!  The second ASI match was a success. The weather was good and the shooting was great. There were 15 competitors, twice last month, with several from the first match. Also they were about equally split between members and non-members. The word is spreading.  After the safety briefing, we started at 1215 and ended up at 330. We shot 4 stages with a round count of 46 rounds  What was surprising and a good sign was that almost half of the competitors were rocking with 1911’s.  Yay!  Also, 9mm ruled today!  The best overall shooter was Jake Davis with a time of 58.20. Everybody was safe and shot great. Some were new to this style of shooting and as the stages went on you could see improvements.  I want to thank Tom Brooks again for his RO duties and scoring, Kathy McBride for signing everybody up and keeping the paperwork straight.  The next match is April 1 and  I (Caton McBride) am already looking at some different stages with a couple really challenging ones.


OK, the second newest discipline!  Dan Henk sent me a nice article but it's too long for this newsletter.  I'll send it separately next week and read it if you're at all interested.  The next LRH match is Tuesday evening, April 4.


At the Feb meeting, the Board discussed a desire to restart this program which teaches women how to be more comfortable and competent with shooting.  PCGC used to run it but the leadership dropped away.  The program needs a strong, capable administrator.  If you have an interest in taking on this project for women both in our Club and the community as a service to both, please contact someone on the Board and we would be happy to discuss what's involved.


For those of you who knew Rudy, he recently moved away and sent me a nice note he asked to share:

I want to thank the entire club membership for the manner in which they accepted, and instructed me, during my three years of shooting.  Polk has proved to be the very best club I have ever been associated with.
I have moved to Indiana to be closer to family.  But please let the good folks at the club know how I appreciated the way they allowed me to enjoy being part of their organization.
Rudy Eidam

February 2023

February 2023

Well our next meeting is tomorrow night which, of course, is Valentine's Day.  Given the kind of guys your Board is, we decided to leave the date alone and take our spouses/others out for dinner on a different night and beat the crowds.  But YOU can bring your spouse along to the meeting for a romantic night out.  Parking lot will be real dark after the meeting!


We've made a couple small changes to the website.
1.  Past newsletters are now posted under News.
2.  There is a Volunteer Project List now posted under Our Club.  Take a look.  Pick a project you could help with, or send new project ideas to me to post.
3.  The Classified page continues to be popular so give it another look.  If you have something to sell or want, send me an ad for it.

New members

Last month, Lee Wangsted, Marc James, Devon Cole, and Bob Shutt were approved as new members.  Two more will be interviewed tomorrow.  We are at about 315 members., I think.

Nominating Committee 

Bobby Robinson ([email protected]) is chairing the nominations committee for the three new board positions coming up for election at the Annual Meeting on May 16.  If you'd like to run, get in touch with Bobby.

Frozen Chosin (February 18)

Shooting begins at 10am. Match is held under modified CMP rules. Will be a 40 shot match (due to limited availability of ammo) conducted at 200 yards on standard SR targets. Sighting shots are allowed. Shooting positions are: prone slow fire, prone rapid from standing, sitting rapid from standing, and standing (off hand) slow fire. A competitor will need 60 rounds total which includes sighting rounds.

Spring Clean Up Day (March 4)

To get ready for the Junior Hunter competition--we'll have over 700 visitors to the Club--we'll have our annual Spring Clean Up Day on March 4 starting at 8am.  It usually lasts until between noon and 2pm depending on work and attendees.  All are encouraged to attend and the more who do, the quicker the work gets done.  Projects are being planned so if you know of something to get done, let me know.

Next ASI Pistol Match (March 11)

The first ever Action Shooting International pistol match went off smoothly on Feb 4 with 8 shooters braving the cold weather.  Reports were it was a lot of fun.  The next match will be on March 11, one week later than first scheduled due to the Club Work Day on March 4.  If you'd like to shoot, give Caton McBride ([email protected]) a heads up so he can plan.

WNC Junior Hunter Competition (March 18)

This year's Junior Hunter competition will be on Saturday, March 18 with Friday, March 17 as a prep day.  All ranges will be closed both days.  On Friday, March 17, while the State DNR guys are setting up ranges, Club members will do prep work getting the rifle range fields ready for parking.  If you can volunteer on Friday, please let me know.  We could use a half dozen or so folks.  On Saturday morning, starting about 6am, we will be parking the 300 or so vehicles that will be coming.  It's crazy but fun--in the dark!  If you want to help with this, let me know you are coming and make sure you have fresh batteries in your flashlight.  It's all over by 9am but some of us hang around to help with RSO duties.

Terry Lynch
PCGC Secretary

January 2023

Nominating Committee for 2023 Board Elections
Elections for the Board will be held as usual at the Annual Meeting on May 16.  The terms of Doyle, Al, and Greg expire this year (Greg is finishing out Jack's term) so there will be the usual three openings.  Bobby Robinson ([email protected]) will be in charge of gathering nominations so if you are interested in running, let him know.

Shooting at the Number Boards on the Rifle Ranges is a Violation
Everybody shoots a flyer once in a while and there are random-looking bullet holes in virtually every number board on all three ranges.  (See attached photos.)  However, there are some that clearly have groupings so some people seem to be targeting them..  It is a VIOLATION of Club Safety Rules to TARGET the number signs.  They are expensive and difficult to replace so please don't shoot at them!  If caught doing it intentionally, there will be severe repercussions up to and including membership cancellation.

ASI Pistol Matches Rescheduled (Caton McBride)
PCGC's first-ever ASI match in January was cancelled due to Covid and has been rescheduled for the first Saturday in April.  The match scheduled on the first Saturday in February is still good.  The March 4 match will be moved to March 11 because it conflicts with the Club Work Day..  Come on out and try this new event.  Details are listed under Pistol Disciplines on the website.  (

Long Range Handgun (Dan Henk, Shawn Risdon)
Do you own a handgun?  Ever wondered how far you can shoot it accurately?  Come find out at PCGC's Long Range Handgun matches, starting in April. Enjoy the fellowship, fun and a one-hour learning experience on a weekday evening! For match details and more information, see the PCGC website under "Pistol Disciplines" . (

WNC Junior Hunter Competition March 18
This year's Junior Hunter competition will be on Saturday, March 18 with Friday, March 17 as a prep day.  All ranges will be closed both days.  On Friday, March 17, while the State DNR guys are setting up ranges, Club members will do prep work getting the rifle range fields ready for parking.  If you can volunteer on Friday, please let me know.  We could use a half dozen or so folks.  On Saturday morning, starting about 6am, we will be parking the 300 or so vehicles that will be coming.  It's crazy but fun--in the dark!  If you want to help with this, let me know you are coming and make sure you have fresh batteries in your flashlight.  It's all over by 9am but some of us hang around to help with RSO duties.

Spring Clean Up Day March 4
To get ready for the Junior Hunter competition--we'll have over 700 visitors to the Club--we'll have our annual Spring Clean Up Day on March 4 starting at 8am.  It usually lasts until between noon and 2pm depending on work and attendees.  All are encouraged to attend and the more who do, the quicker the work gets done.  Projects are being planned so if you know of something to get done, let me know..

Update on Website Classified Ads 
Our Classified Ads section on the web has been extremely successful.  We have had over 28 postings over the past six months, several with multiple items, and well over 20 items have been sold.  Some of the remaining items are various shotguns and rifles, scopes, reloaders, and dies.  Take a look!  (

New Trap Machine
At the January meeting, the Board approved the purchase of a new trap machine with Bob Schultz' help.  Bob, graciously, is donating wireless callers too.  This will complete the construction of the new range although we are going to likely need some new safety fencing over toward the rifle ranges.  Stay tuned for timing of installation of the trap machine.

Keys to the Trap and Skeet Houses
With completion of the third range, we have purchased new locks and keys for the houses on these ranges.  We are working on a plan to distribute the new keys to those who want one.  Stay tuned for details.

Club to Purchase an AED Device for Club House
Also at the January meeting, the Board agreed to purchase an AED defibrillator device for the club house.  It's been noted with our many older members and two recent heart attacks (NOT at the Club!), we are remiss in not having one.  Upon receipt, Bobby will arrange training for anyone interested.

Mike Murph to Retire from Clay Busters Leadership

Murph has announced his intention to retire from his position taking care of the Clay Busters.  All of us on the Board and in the Club who have benefitted from Murph's leadership and unselfish coaching will be sad to see him leave.  He has spent many, many hours coaching our youth with many of them going on to great success in state and national competitions.  It's a great legacy!  While we are confirming a replacement, we hope Murph will be around to offer assistance as needed.

As always, if you read this far, corrections, comments, and questions are welcome!
Terry Lynch

December 2022

Christmas is coming . . .

Check the PCGC Classified Ads section for gifts for your family or favorite shooters!  It's also a good time to post anything you want to sell. We've had good movement of items recently.

New Members

At the November meeting, Lindsay Bagwell, Justin Nelson, and Mike Lovelace were approved as new members.

Trap House completion

Glover McMurray and a few buddies completed the trap house on the new (third) trap/skeet range.  They did an outstanding job.  Check out the photo attached.  Now they are making some repairs on the other two houses.  Both of these houses need some paint.  If you want to volunteer to do it, let me know but go ahead and do it.  The club will reimburse for the paint if you will supply the labor.

Jack Arcularious Way

The sign naming the entrance drive for Gunny is now installed!  As you drive into the Club, please remember Jack and the many years of service he gave to Country and to our Club.

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, Dec 13, 7pm Monthly Meeting
Saturday, Dec 17, 8am  CMP  GSM Instructional Clinic,  10am  Match

Saturday, Dec 31, 8am Buffalo Rimfire New Year's Eve Match

ASI Action Pistol Matches Coming in January, February, and March

PCGC, led by Caton McBride is introducing an ASI (Action Shooting International) pistol match for the first time in January.  The first three test matches will be on the first Saturdays of January, February, and March. Dates are on the calendar and full information is under the News heading on the website.

Each match will start at 1200. Registration, depending on weather, will be in the clubhouse or at the pavilion at the pistol range and starts at 1100. New shooter briefing at 1145am.  Cost per shooter is $20.00 and ALL shooters must register.

Any caliber handgun may be used. A holster is preferred but not required but the handgun must be in either a holster or bag, UNLOADED, and VISIBLY LOCKED OPEN if a semi-automatic. Shooters will need at least 50 rounds of ammunition, extra mags if available, and hearing and eye protection.

If you are interested in participating in the match, please email Caton at  [email protected] or call 8282201778. He would like to have an idea of the attendance.

Here is a link to a sample of what one of these matches might look like.  Obviously, each "session" would need to be adapted to the available range geometry.  That is what Caton is planning.

Reminder to Sign In When Using Each Range

Please remember to sign the logs whenever you use one of the ranges.  I personally witnessed a couple guys leaving the rifle range who had apparently forgotten.  We need a record in case of any problems encountered on each range.

Hold Harmless Guest Release Forms

Every guest, adult or minor, who shoots at the Club is required to complete a Hold Harmless Form. No exceptions.  We have separate forms for adults and minors.  Each signed form is good for a calendar year.  At the end of this month, all of the 2022 forms become invalid and every guest needs to sign a new form for 2023.  The blank forms go quickly so if you use the last one, please make and leave a few copies for others on the printer right there.  Let me know if there are no more forms and I can get some more there pretty quickly too.

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year if we don't see you at the Club this month!


September 2022

September finally made it and hopefully brings some cooler, dryer weather.  A few updates below.  Comments always welcome.


Our club's second long-range handgun match is scheduled for Tuesday evening, 6 September.  ONE IMPORTANT CHANGE:  Match will begin at 6:30 pm rather than 7 pm.  The slightly earlier start time is intended to make sure we have enough light to shoot the match.

Format of the match remains the same:  twenty shots for record on a groundhog target in a time period of fifteen minutes.  Rimfire shooters will shoot targets on the 100 yard range.  Centerfire shooters will shoot targets on the 300 yard line.  Assuming there are more than three shooters in a class (rimfire or centerfire), first-place winners will receive a cash award.  Registration fee for the match is $15.


September 17--High Power Rifle
September 24--F Class Rifle
September 25--Bench Rest Rifle
Go to the Club Calendar for details and contacts.


The monthly meeting will be Tuesday, September 13 at 7pm.


The Board decided to have a Fall workday to catch up on projects.  It will be 8am until whenever we get done.  Since we are all technically owners, if you are aware of a project that needs attention, send it to me and we'll add it to the list.


Don't forget to check the website ( for any new or current calendar dates and new additions to the classified ads section.


PCGC will be hosting a Nora Ross trap clinic May 6 and 7, 2023. The fee is $450 for both days (Nora's website lists 2022 price of $350, 2023 brings a price increase). PCGC has hosted this clinic several times and receives some compensation for hosting.  One trap range will be reserved for the clinic both days and parts of the clubhouse as well.  All participants have expressed their satisfaction w/Nora's instruction

What to expect:

The first day will be singles shooting and the second day is doubles shooting in the morning and handicap in the afternoon. The program will begin each day at 9:00 am and will usually finish between 5:00 and 6:00 pm. The second day finishes earlier than the first. Several times during the day, each shooter will be videotaped. It will be played back to them so that the shooter will have an opportunity to watch and analyze their shooting styles.  Each student will shoot approximately 8 rounds per day. The fee for the targets will be paid to the club. Both new and reloaded shells are allowed. The shells and targets are the shooter's responsibility.  Participants will be limited to a max of 10. PCGC will have 1st opportunity to enroll, prior to opening enrollment to the general public. A $50 deposit will be required to secure a seat. Prior clinics have sold out rather quickly.  PCGC will receive compensation for hosting the event. Please contact Dave Foti ([email protected], 845 546 2226) with any questions or to secure a seat:

July 2022

It's been a while since I sent a newsletter.  I've been doing a lot of traveling.  Here goes with a few comments and questions seeking a comment.

At a recent monthly meeting, there was discussion about how difficult it has become to find reloading components of all sorts.  If anyone has extra components of any type that they are not using and may wish to sell, or who has found a reliable source, please share the information with me and I will forward it to the whole group.  If you know of a good source for reloading supplies, especially powder and (shotgun) shot, please share also.

Ads on the, reflecting a negative experience of and comment by one member, are there because we are using a free calendar app.  My advice is not to click on any of them.  I can't vouch for the security.



Finally, from the last survey, here are some key points:

Survey Results

35 people responded which is less than 12%.  Not a very good response considering we have 300 members.  But most people were appreciative of the opportunity to provide input and I'm guessing the responses were probably fairly representative.


Q1:   21 shoot both pistol and rifle, 4 shoot pistol only, 1 rifle only

Q2:   17 shoot 1x/month or less, 7 shoot a few times per month, 1 shoots 1x/week

Q3:    Pistol distance:  7 yds – 11 shooters, 10 yds – 6 shooters, 15 yds – 7 shooters, 20 yds or more – 8 shooters, 5 yds or less – 24 shooters, 20 yds or more – 8 shooters

Q4:    Rifle distance: 50 yds – 17 shooters, 25-30 yds – 3 shooters


Q5:   10 admitted to having keys. I won't list them here.

Q6:    At least 10 others said they arrived and no one had a key, some many times.

Q7:    Sometimes people came with a key and sometimes not.

Q8:    Most common day seemed to be Friday but also a few Tuesdays and Saturdays

Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond!!  We will use these results to 1) consider improvements/changes to the pistol range and 2) how to better manage key availability.

As always, comments welcome.